Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Grinch and my Children

I watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" tonight with my kids. Even though they are 12 and 10, it's not put a stop to any of our family traditions - this being the one we always kick off the "Holiday Season" with. We always sing the songs together (usually botching up a few lyrics, but that adds to the fun - I linked to the "Welcome Christmas" song from the beginning of the movie....just click the blog title post...gotta love you tube *laughs*), and it got me to thinking about how glad I am that my kids understand that Christmas isn't all about the presents, but about the things we do together as a family and the traditions we share.

I hope everyone else is as lucky as I am, and although this entry is nothing special, I just wanted to share a little moment in my life. I'm off to go listen to Christmas music now!!

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