Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Capture a moment!

I'd like to take a minute to remind you that I take photos to capture a moment -a memory- in time, because time doesn't stop for anyone. I hope my photos allow people to look back & remember that their life was loving & full of goodness. I also hope that every one of you always remember to never take anyone we love or hold dear for granted - whether that be family or friends that are like family. Love one another & make more memories than anyone could ever hope to capture!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wow, I feel old!

I turned 34 four days ago, and I keep having to remind myself I'm not 33 years old anymore! I've been busy with school, with a little bit of work thrown in (I'm a full time student majoring in Social Work and Psychology, along with being a photographer). I managed to get a facebook page up - if you become a fan, I'm offering 20% discounts of every photo package I offer on my website. Nothing too exciting to report, just trying to make time to have fun with the kids this summer, find time to work, and find time to get all my homework done! All of that keeps me super busy! I'm looking forward to more photography shoots this summer - it's going to be gorgeous scenery for just about every type of shoot imaginable! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far - I sure am!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Well here it is, January 5th already!

I've been so busy with holiday stuff, photo shoots, and just normal everyday things I haven't had a moment to myself. Kids are back in school today (and while I always miss them when they are in school, it sure is nice to have my days to myself), so now I am playing catch-up with everything I let slide while they were on winter break. Obviously it's nothing major - just things like the blog - but it feels good to be getting back to my normal daily routine, as mundane as it may be sometimes.

So did you make any New Year's resolutions? I didn't. I choose to make decisions as they need to be made, and in the past have found that my best intentions go to the wayside if I make them into a "resolution" at the beginning of the year.

I am excited, though. I am going to Boston the 17th and 18th of this month and while it's not for work I hope to be able to take at least a few photos while I'm there. I have started a short story and am planning on submitting it to a few publications once it's finished. I may even publish it here! I have a basic idea of where I want the story to go, but my stories rarely listen to me once they get started! *laughs*

Well, nothing else to chatter on about right now. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and that your new year started off fabulously and is continuing to go that way.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Handmade Goodness

Alright. I love to take photographs. I also love to write. I think I have fairly good skills in both of those things.

But I stumbled across a blog today (, and let me tell you - she has some skills. Her Etsy page is here: and I am loving what she does. I am in the process of going backwards in her blog and reading stuff, but I just had to give a shout out for some beautiful, handmade stuff.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Yes, yes - I know it's Thanksgiving, and I shouldn't be on the computer. kids are with their father (my ex-hubby), and I am not leaving for an hour to go to my grandmothers with my mum. So I hopped on for a minute. No, I'm not an internet addict, why do you ask? *snorts*

This is the first Thanksgiving I'm not going to have my kids, and it's......odd. Not bad, persay, just odd. Usually their dad either works or doesn't have anything going on that I'd want to subject my children to, so he comes and gets them for an hour or three after we've had our dinner and such. But this year he actually had a dinner to go to, so I offered the day to him. He cam and got them last night, and will be dropping them off tonight. So I am child free for the first Thanksgiving in 12 years. And it's....well, like I said, odd. No rushing around making sure they are ready, or anything else that goes along with kids and going somewhere for the Holidays. I just need to throw my hair up, toss on some semi-decent clothes, and pop out the door.

So - that's exactly what I'm going to do now.

Just wanted to pop in, make a few observations on my life (as it were), and wish everyone a VERY happy and peaceful Thanksgiving day.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Giveaway! $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Go here: and you might just win a $20 Amazon gift card. This contest will run until November 26th, with the winner being pulled on the 28th. No entries will be accepted on Thanksgiving, because you should be spending time with your families!

So, here's how to enter:
Leave a comment, telling me who your favorite author is, and what book(s) of theirs you recommend.

Pretty simple, huh? Gotta love stuff like this. Well, you don't have to, but I do.

$100 gift card to Home Depot for free? What a deal!

I subscribe to this blog in my Google feed ( and she is giving away a $100 gift card to the Home Depot. What a deal, right? Random drawing, and the only thing you have to do to get an entry in said drawing is to comment at the above link. I'd highly suggest staying around the blog and reading, however, because I think it's a very good blog (or else I wouldn't be subscribed to the feed!).